Matt Forney has offered to promote friend and allies on his YouTube Channel and other social media outlets. I took advantage of his offer, and he promoted some of my work:
I first came across Matt from his book “Three Years of Hate“, a collection of a blog he published anonymously called “In Mala Fide”. He wrote it when he was fresh out of college, and the writing is very well done.
I’ve been following him ever since, and have supported his work when I can, either through buying his book or through donating money.
Matt has since branched out into independent journalism. He covered the primaries last year, and both the Republicuck and Demonrat conventions. He is currently operating out of Hungary, covering European issues, including the upcoming election in France featuring Marine La Pen, the “French female Donald Trump”, a true nationalist leader who may be able to halt and reverse the cultural decay of what was once a great empire.
(Seriously, the French used to be fierce warriors. Charles the Hammer, anyone? It’s only been since about WWII that they turned into the pussies we make fun of them for being today; the “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” as a general of ours once said).
Follow Matt. I highly recommend him. I’ve been following him for a good 5 years. He’s an ally to the conservatives, right libertarians, and alt-right.