It has come to my attention that many Christians are deeply weighed down by anxiety because they are glued to “the news”. Common advice is “Then stop watching the news!” But Jesus says we’re supposed to watch for signs of the times. How are we to know what is going on in the world without “the news”? I’ve done it for decades. I don’t watch any of the fake news networks and I haven’t for many years.
How You Consume Information Matters
Let me make my case with a few assumptions. First is a concept I got from Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Your eyes are connected to your emotions, and your ears are connected to your intellect. Reading counts as hearing according to the rabbi. Based on that, most of the information I consume is in written format. I prefer this. It’s much easier to scan, and I can skip ahead if I’m already familiar with the subject. I’m very selective about the video content I watch. I usually stick to people like Mark Dice who write scripts and convey the information in an efficient manner. I don’t have the patience to listen to somebody babble aimlessly, or spend 20 minutes explaining how to click the red button to subscribe.
The Nature Of The Organizations And People
Second is to understand the nature of fake news. We have a maxim to describe social networks: If you receive a service for free, you are not the customer. You are the product. All of the news networks operate like this. Just 6 companies control 95% of the media in the United States. It’s the same for Fox News as it is for CNN. A mega conglomerate owns it and uses it for its own purposes. Rupert Murdoch didn’t start Fox News because he cared about Conservatives having a reliable news source. He’s a left wing as they come. He saw that all of the other fake news networks were left wing and he had absolutely no competition in the right wing space, so he planted his flag there and already had a built in audience. But the shows tend to be very left wing or neoconservative. The easiest way to explain neoconservatives is that they’re liberals who get excited at the prospect of sending other people to die in wars. Consider Sean Hannity and Ben Shapiro. Both clamor for a war with Iran. But neither of them, nor their friends and families will have to die in a war with Iran. My children could be drafted. Children in the student ministry I serve in could be drafted. As a veteran (US Navy) who has been in a war zone, I have a lot more skin in the game than the neocons.

This is actually outdated.
While these fake news networks are all owned by mega conglomerates, they are loss leaders. There isn’t money in news. But there is influence. They can steer you to their advertisers and they can tell you want to think. During the “COVID” crisis, fake news broadcast were “brought to you by Pfizer”. Do you seriously believe Pfizer would have given them money for advertisements if they were anything but positive on Pfizer’s products, including their vaccine?
Brought to you by Pfizer
What They’re Not Telling You
Third is every single viewpoint out there has its own editorial position. This is why I prefer to get my information from a variety of sources with slightly different viewpoints. I like to look at things from different angles. Sometimes I have to piece things together myself, but that’s what makes it interesting. I don’t understand why Christians can’t see the lack of wisdom in only getting information from a single source that is known to not tell you many things, including the truth. Fox News will tell you WHAT to think. All of them have no interest in telling you HOW to think; how to gather and process information and come to a conclusion. Have you ever heard of Uranium One? Ever? I’m sure you think you know a ton about Trump/Russia collusion, but why didn’t the fake news networks talk much about Uranium One? Why don’t they talk about negative effects of their precious “COVID-19 vaccination”? Oh, right, the news is “brought to you by Pfizer.” Now, consider this: is there a possibility that the pharmaceutical advertising creates an interest in keeping you anxious? They have a solution to your anxiety, after all.

“The News” Is Literally Propaganda
The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 prohibited the US government from broadcasting directly to the American people. However, the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 attached to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 removed those prohibitions. The media can now propagandize us and they’ve been able to legally do it for over a decade.

I didn’t see anything change substantially in 2013, but I don’t follow the news. I suspect they were violating Smith-Mundt all along. Laws are only as good as the will to enforce them. If the government won’t enforce a law, then the law doesn’t matter.
So I should just switch to Newsmax, right?
No!!!!!! A thousand times, no! This is part of the problem. You have completely outsourced all responsibility and accountability of your information consumption to a 3rd party. You sit in front of the television and let them decide what you should know, and how you should feel about it. Take an active role in the process. Take some responsibility over the information you consume, and take an active role in the process of analyzing that information. It’s not actually that hard. And don’t tell me you don’t have time. Time and money work the same: we spend them on the things that matter to us. If you spend hours watching sportsball, you have time.
Sometimes we just get caught up in the river of life and spend time where everybody around us does, essentially wasting it. Let me ask you this: do you prefer to sit in front of Fox News, or would you prefer not to have anxiety? You don’t have to tell me, but please be honest with yourself. If you could keep up with what is going on without the anxiety, would you rather do that?
How To Think and Intellectual Self Defense
We are told by Jesus to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Mind and strength seem to get left out a lot. We are supposed to worship God with our intellects too. We are also supposed to pursue Truth, and sitting in front of a news program that deliberately lies to you is not pursuing truth. Sure, not everything they say is a lie. That would be too blatant and easy to detect. So they mix lies with truth, but your understanding of the world is still based on lies.
First, you need to understand what a logical fallacy is. A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning. Sometimes they’re intentional; something not. You can start learning about logical fallacies here: . That site is a great resource. If you want to go deeper, many resources are available. The Ayn Rand Institute sells a course in logic, including the fallacies, for about $10.
One of the more common logical fallacies is the ad hominen attack. It’s Latin for “against the man”. This is where you don’t respond with logic and reason; you deliberately attack the person. For instance, I ask “why do we allow so much illegal immigration?” and you respond with “You’re a racist!” That is an attack on me. It’s typically used to get me to disengage and start muttering something like “But I have a black friend!” I don’t fall for it. One of the things I loved and respected about President Trump is he didn’t either. When Megyn Kelly tried telling him he “hated women”, he didn’t crumble like a typical Republican. He fought back. I didn’t take him seriously until that moment.

A typical ad hominem attack is “conspiracy theorist”. This one was invented by the CIA in the 1960’s to use against people who thought the narrative about the Kennedy assassination didn’t add up. “If a single bullet was used, it would have had to hang in the air for over a second before hitting the Texas Governor.” “Shut up, you’re a conspiracy theorist!” If you’re concerned with the truth, you can’t be concerned with being called stupid names. If they’re calling you stupid names, they can’t refute your argument. Or if they can refute your argument, they won’t because it would reveal things they don’t want you to know. That’s why they call you stupid names. You’re supposed to shut up and crawl away in shame.
Another logical fallacy commonly used is the strawman This is where you construct a weak copy of your opponent’s argument and attack it, easily destroying it. Did you know that Capitalism didn’t exist before Karl Marx? Marx created Capitalism as a straw man against which to compare Communism. It kills me that we’re fighting to defend an economic system that is nothing more than a strawman that was created by our opponent. We need a better defined and named system, but I lack the economic knowledge and influence to make one.
There are many logical fallacies: Begging The Question, Appeal to Emotion, Appeal to Ridicule; the list goes on and on. Start paying attention to this. If the mainstream “news” figures start calling somebody names like racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and so on, it typically means that person has some message they don’t want you knowing about. It doesn’t mean the person is right, but if the argument was that easy to defeat with logic and reason they would have just done that.
Another logical fallacy you need to become familiar with is the false dilemma fallacy. This is where you’re given an artificial choice between only two options. Republican or Democrat. You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists. Israel or Palestine. This one is used often. Watch out for people trying to trap you into a binary choice.
Maybe I take my resistance to this one a little too far. Children have learned not to play “Would you rather?” with me because I reject all choices. That’s that game where they have cards asking if you would rather do one or another unpleasant task. The last time my children tried this it was in an app. This is a false dilemma. Would you rather work all weekend or gargle vinegar? I’ll just binge watch something. I’m not playing.
Learn To Spot Patterns and Contradictions
We keep hearing that sea levels are rising. People like Barry (Obama), John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Gates, etc. seem awfully convinced that sea levels are rising. Then why do they all own ocean front mansions? Barry owns two: one in Martha’s Vineyard and one in Hawaii. Why didn’t the banks and insurance companies tell him it was an unacceptable risk and they would not sign off on the deal? Why doesn’t a single bank or insurance company track rising sea levels as part of their risk management strategy? Why can you compare pictures of locations on Earth with pictures of the same location from 100 years ago and the sea level is in the exact same place? This is a contradiction. Facts and behavior do not line up with the Narrative.

The nature of the news cycle requires being the first to report. Often, when something happens they’ll jump on the story to get it out there. Any time a shooting happens, the media immediately starts screaming “It was a white supremacist Trump supporter!” before any facts are in. As the facts roll it, it turns out to be an opposite: a lifelong Democrat who is anything but white. This is a pattern, and it happens every time to the point that it is predictable.
Also, every single shooter was known by police and often the FBI to be dangerous. Yet they universally do nothing. Every shooter has a Naval Intelligence officer involved in his or her life. Every shooter was seeing a psychiatrist who was chosen by the Naval Intelligence officer. Most of them have an FBI agent involved in their life. It is so predictable.

If you’ve ever heard of #pizzagate, they told you it was thoroughly debunked. A significant percentage of “journalists” who swore it was debunked have been arrested for possessing child pornography. This is yet another pattern.
Learn to Check Into Backgrounds and Track Records
The “media” likes to bring on experts to back up their Narrative. Since you’re passively glued to the news network, you probably take them at face value. You assume they are chosen because they truly are experts in a subject and can provide a balanced perspective. They aren’t. They’re essentially prostitutes who are paid to read a script backing up the Narrative the news network wants you to believe. If an “expert” deviates from a script, said expert will never appear on the network again.
Often, if you follow up, you’ll find the “expert” does not have a good track record. Things do not happen the way the expert predicted. In my opinion, they have no expertise. Again, they’re essentially prostitutes. Look at “experts” like Jim Cramer. He’s supposedly an investment expert. But any time he says a stock is rock solid, it collapses the next day. Consider Bear Sterns in 2008. He’s essentially an actor reading a script. They all are. They are not worthy of your attention.
So How Do I Keep Up Without The News?
What I’ve done over the years is I’ve rolled my own news. I follow a variety of independent sources that have a good track record. Every person has their own bias, but by following a variety you can start putting pieces together. I also collaborate in a few places with like minded people. We wrestle with the information and what it means. Everybody brings a different piece. One person may have a link to a report that helps you understand. Another may be able to suggest a book that will help. Somebody else may have expertise in the subject. And it is a lot more fun than passively watching Fox News as they manipulate your emotions and don’t tell you what you need to know.
The first tool I use is email newsletters. My favorite tool is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). RSS was invented by Aaron Schwartz in the early 2000’s. Aaron allegedly killed himself. He got sued for trying to free content from behind a paywall and allegedly took his own life, but things don’t add up. You’re welcome to look into that as a practice run for researching things for yourself.
Not everyone provides RSS, so signing up for an email newsletter is a somewhat lower than the second best alternative. Of course, beware that not every newsletter honors unsubscribe requests. Some of them turn out to not be useful but you can’t unsubscribe. I just route them to spam. I also use Sane Box, so I can send them to a black hole. World Net Daily is one such. I signed up for it years ago, but they send way too much email and won’t honor my unsubscribe requests. I send it to the Sane Black Hole.
My favorite tool is RSS. Many applications are available for RSS. I use Feedly . They have a free plan that allows you to follow up to 100 sources. It’s perfect for getting started. You can subscribe to any site with an RSS feed and they’ll all show up in one place. Often you can subscribe to a feed within Feedly by searching. I like it because most of my information comes to me in one place. I start at the bottom and read up using hot keys. When I’m done reading an article, I press k to move up. J moves down. L marks it to read later. Very easy and efficient. Feedly also provides boards so you can save articles on related subjects.
Another tool I use is Telegram . Telegram is a Russian messaging app that allows you to follow channels and chat with people. You can also comment. I rarely interact in the comments because scammers will create fake copies of channels and reach out to you. I think they’re trying to sell you crypto. I block them immediately. Plus it’s fruitless to argue with idiots and shills in comments. It’s not what our Lord called us to do and I don’t have time for it. The Telegram channels I follow and recommend are below in Sources.
I follow few “mainstream” sources. I’ll occasionally share links to Fox News articles when they’re useful, but I find them through other people because I don’t watch Fox News or read their website. Most of the sources I follow are alternative or independent. I’ll provide a few below to get you started. This is not an exhaustive list of everything I follow, but a starter list.
Remember, this is YOUR information, so follow independent and alternative sources that align with your interests. Add and remove them mercilessly. Some publish too often and it’s too much to keep up with. I look for sources that provide reliable information but aren’t a firehose. I’m not going to spend hours each day keeping up and I don’t expect you to either. I will periodically evaluate where I spend my time and give lower value sources the ax.
The New American: . Note that I don’t subscribe to their RSS feed because it is a firehose and I can’t keep up with it. I subscribe to the magazine. It’s published by the John Birch Society. I’m sure you’ve heard they’re fringe “conspiracy theorists”, but that’s the Fake News talking. TNA has an amazing track record. You can read a TNA article from years ago and it will read like it was written next week. They provide amazing news and analysis and it’s well balanced. Many of their writers are Christian (specifically Catholic), but their writing is applicable to most Christians. They have YouTube and Rumble channels, and now they even have their own news network. I have the Roku app installed, but I’ve never used it because I focus more on written content than video for reasons stated above. But if you can’t give up your watching the news habit, I recommend TNA to Fox News. At least TNA aren’t wolves in sheep’s clothing. They genuinely want to return the US to a Constitutional government.
Not The Bee: . In addition to their satire (more like prophesy) site, The Babylon Bee also runs a news site. Considering how dark and preposterous the world is, we need to keep our humor up. Not The Bee crafts their headlines to make fun of the world. It’s nice to have something to laugh at. They also report on positive and uplifting stories. If you get anxiety from Fox News, you’ll get the opposite from Not The Bee. They are Christians.
The Babylon Bee: . Allegedly a Christian satire site, The Bee’s satire often happens in real life, which is why I call it prophesy. It used to take a few weeks to happen, but now it’s down to hours at times. And some stories are so absurd, I suspect they say “We need more content on our satire site. Put it there.” Some of their articles are just designed to laugh at what is actually happening. So flee your anxiety and embrace satire. You’ll feel better.
Anonymous Conservative: . Anonymous Conservative has written several books. His blog started out as a companion to his first book “The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics”, but around 2017 he started doing a daily news brief. His primary focus is the surveillance state, but each morning he publishes a brief of a collection of articles of interest to Christian conservatives. He provides enough commentary on each link that you don’t have to actually read the article. AC’s site is one of the few where I will interact in the comments. We have a wonderful community there. AC heavily moderates comments so people coming there to attack and disrupt are blocked. His site occasionally goes down. We don’t know if somebody is hacking in trying to silence him or not. Funny things happen on his back end. His site is completely down this morning as I write this post, but it happens periodically. (Update: it came back by lunch. His host didn’t renew his certificates on time.)
AC also provides an RSS feed for his comments, making them much easier to keep up with. A slight warning: AC and many of his commenters occasionally use profanity. But don’t let that stop you. AC and many members of his community are Christians.
Vox Day: . I’ve read Vox Day for more than 20 years. VD is many things. He’s an author, a game designer, an economist (he’s been on Chinese TV), an editor, a publisher, a strategist; the list is almost endless. I skip over his sports posts, but they’re few and far between. VD provides news and analysis on a variety of subjects. He’s constantly drifting into new areas and he drags me along with him. I’ve learned a lot over the years from him. Unlike the “experts” on Fox News, VD has an amazing track record. He predicted the 2008 housing crash when the “experts” said it was going to keep growing. VD predicts the breakup of the USA by about 2034, so keep an eye on that. VD is a Christian.
The Real Climate Science Blog: Tony Heller is an actual scientist. He posts topics related to what I call “Climate Terror” (which I got from a Nick Cole short story). He digs up articles from over 100 years ago showing the same inaccurate predictions we have now.
There is no “science” in climate science. It’s all apocalyptic fan fiction and bad computer models. There has never been a single predication associated with Global Warming, Global Cooling, Climate Change, or any other subject that proved accurate. They have all been wrong. Consider what I said above about detecting patterns. They keep resetting the 5/7/10/12 “years to save our planet” clocks because it didn’t happen. Greta recently had to delete a 2018 tweet claiming it would be too late to save the planet by 2023 because nothing has actually changed. So please, consider alternate perspectives to the mainstream if you want to walk in truth.
Badlands Media: . Badlands Media is a collection of several alternative media personalities. They publish a daily analysis of the news. They also provide long form analyses of various topics going on in the world. They have a pretty good track record. You don’t need a paid subscription to read them. There are quite a few other channels on Substack that might be worth reading, and some of them are free to read. You can get a paid subscription if you want to support one.
A brief comment on Infowars: I listened to Alex Jones for several years, but I quit around 2012. A radio show is a poor format for a podcast. I got sick of having to skip through commercials and listening to him repeat himself after each commercial break. I don’t recommend Alex Jones, but I won’t tell you not to listen to him. I still subscribe to the Infowars daily newsletter. I’ve written a blog post on how to evaluate an Alex Jones claim. Basically, if he has tons of documents to put on camera and thoroughly analyzes them, you can more or less believe him. If he just rants “We have the government documents!” without giving you a reference to look up, then ignore him. He’s in propaganda territory.
Some of us think Alex Jones is a Mossad asset. His family is heavily connected to the CIA. While he does good work in some areas, he’s likely to be dismissive in areas the intelligence agencies don’t approve of. Just know that going in. Everybody has their own preconceived biases and Alex is no different. He was right about them putting Atrazine in the water and it turning the frickin’ frogs gay. Alex is a Christian.

There is still some good stuff on YouTube, but many good people have been banished for wrongthink. Alternate video sites are Bitchute and Rumble . Search BitChute for Fall of the Cabal and Sequel to Fall of the Cabal. It will blow your mind.
Suspicious Obervers: . Dr. Ben Davidson puts up a short video every morning discussing space weather, cosmology, earth’s disaster cycle, and related subjects. He’s written some textbooks like “Weatherman’s Guide To The Sun”. He has a new book on Earth’s Disaster Cycle coming out soon. He occasionally does livestreams with his audience.
Mark Dice: . Mark Dice publishes a new video most days analyzing politics and insanity in the world, but specifically the US. His videos are normally humorous and under 10 minutes. He has also written several books and has a new one coming out very soon. He writes about a book a year. I’ve read most of them.
Streaming Services UATV is an alternative streaming service. Its name comes from the fact that most of the personalities are not authorized on mainstream platforms. Vox Day’s almost daily Darkstream videos are there. Owen Benjamin’s comedy is there. Stephan Molyneau is there. The Rageaholic has a program called “The Depths of DS9”, talking about how complex and good Star Trek Deep Space 9 was. It’s a running commentary on the entire series. Professor Rachel Fulton Brown has two programs, Logos and History and The Forge of Tolkien. UATV also produced some of their own documentaries and are working on producing a movie, but the learning curve of corruption in the movie industry is steep and they were set back.
Rise.tv Ben and Rob, formerly The Edge of Wonder channel on YouTube started this service, then combined with a few other people and rebranded as Rise. They analyze weird, mysterious, and wonderful things across the history of the world. It’s entertaining and uplifting. They also have regular analysis of news.
Ickonic: . Ickonic is another alternative streaming platform started by one of David Icke’s sons. It has some interesting documentaries and regular shows, and is not exclusively David Icke. I know, you’ve heard Icke is a kook. Lizard aliens and all that. I used to believe that Narrative, but then I started reading Icke in his own words and he is very reasonable when he presents his entire case. He has a gift for taking complex subjects and making them accessible. I obviously don’t agree with him on everything, but I find him a valuable resource in understanding the nature of the world and what is going on. And he won’t give you anxiety like Fox News does. Ickonic produces their own content, including documentaries. They also host documentaries from other sources. The platform is not Christian. Most of the personalities skew Gnostic. But if you can eat the meat and spit out the bones, there’s a lot of value in Ickonic. Far more than Fox News, but that’s not a very high bar.
Social Networks
I’m on most of the mainstream social networks, but I act like a “normie” on them. I avoided Facebook for about five years, but went back on because that’s where most of my family and normie friends are and I have to be there if I want to stay in touch with them. I’m not on Twitter. On Jan 8, 2021, Twitter permanently suspended President Trump and 150,000 other users. My account got caught up in all of that. I wasn’t even actively posting, but I followed the former President and some of the other accounts Twitter didn’t want people to see. I tried to appeal. They won’t tell me what I allegedly did (they never do; they just say Terms of Service violations). There are alternative social networks available and I recommend them if you want to have honest conversations about the world. They are also a good way to keep up, as other users will post links and content as well as analysis. These are places where you can collaborate with other users in the comments or in groups as you wrestle with what’s going on in the world and how to understand it. Also, there are some really good memes out there.
Minds: . Of all the alternatives, Minds is my favorite. It’s an amazing community, and somehow it flies under the RADAR. While the fake news networks are screaming about the “white supremacists” on Gab, you never hear about Minds so we’re just posting away unmolested. I am able to say what I want on Minds. I won’t tell you my account because I value my semi-anonymity, but if I’m the kind of content you’re looking for you’ll probably find me. Most new users to Minds comment on how nice the community is. I’ve been there since 2016.
One neat thing about the alternative networks is you can get a paid membership. Remember “If you’re receiving a service for free you’re not the customer; you’re the product?” I pay for a Minds+ subscription. It costs me about $60 a year, which isn’t a big deal. I mostly do it so I don’t have to see “boosted” content. Minds has a crypto currency, which you can earn. You can use the cryto to “boost” your posts so they reach more users. To me, it’s like watching commercials which are repetitive and I don’t want to see them. I get some other benefits with Minds+ but that’s my main reason for paying.
Gab: . Gab was founded in 2016 by tech entrepreneur Andrew Torba. The heavy censorship started in 2015 and Torba wanted to create a social network based on free speech. Torba is young and Gab went through some very rocky periods but it seems to be running fine now. They’ve experimented with other products. They’re trying to build a parallel marketplace with Gab Marketplace. They used to have a Gab TV. I think it failed. They were building an AI at one point. I haven’t kept up with it. I let my Gab Pro membership lapse and haven’t renewed it yet. It was originally intended as an alternative to Twitter, but it’s more like a Facebook alternative at this point. I don’t use Gab much, but with the heavy focus on free speech you might like it. I prefer the community on Minds.
Social Galactic . A little backstory: in early 2016, Vox Day held a livestream where he proposed an alternative to Wikipedia, which is run by about 500 left wing editors. VD wanted an actual user maintained encyclopedia that couldn’t be taken over by a handful of nutjobs. He called it Infogalactic “The Planetary Knowledge Core”. I was an early backer of IG. It grew very slowly and I don’t use it near as much as I should.
Social Galactic or SG grew out of Infogalactic. It is not a “free speech” site. You have to pay to be a member of SG. I got my membership through my subscription to There are different membership levels. SG enforces civility. They don’t allow profanity. I’m not very active there, but it’s a decent community.
Truth Social: . This is former President Trump’s social network. It launched in early 2022 and had a very rocky start, but it’s stable now. I see a lot of duplication between Telegram and TS. Many of the same personalities post on both.
These are some Telegram channels I follow. They post useful content, but don’t post too much. There is some cross posting so you’ll see the same post a few times. I’ve unfollowed several Telegram channels over the years because they post too much or all they do is repost other content I’ve already seen. These aren’t listed in any particular order.
Deep State Mapping Project The DSMP was started by a graphic designer who tried to map out the Deep State. He posts some valuable and interesting information about what’s happening in the world. I don’t recommend his channel 100%. He’s not Christian and skews Gnostic. He also shills for cypto currencies. But I can eat the meat and spit out the bones and get value from his content.
Praying Medic Praying Medic is David Hayes, a former atheist who used to be a paramedic or EMT. He’s become more of a charismatic Christian. This channel has evolved somewhat and is now mostly just his readers asking for prayers or reporting praise from healings. It might be useful to you as you don’t get this kind of content from Faux News.
Praying Medic News This is where Hayes posts his news content. He has quite a few channels, but these are the two I follow.
Paul Joseph Watson PJW used to work for Alex Jones at Infowars. He set off on his own several years ago. He started his own site, Summit News. He also has a YouTube channel.
Fall of the Cabal: The two Dutch ladies behind the Fall of the Cabal documentaries. They post news items. I have to warn you, they talk about some dark subjects like Jeffrey Epstein and child trafficking. But, this stuff proliferates because people ignore it. It’s dark and nobody wants to hear about it. How will it stop unless awareness increases? Some content is only for their Dutch readers but most is in English.
We The Media: WTM is a collaborative effort by a network of people who were banned from Twitter on Jan 8, 2021. They migrated to Telegram and formed a channel together. They cover news and analysis. They post the most content of the channels I follow, but I can keep up with it.
ULTRA Pepe Lives Matters Pepe is a Christian, and covers news and encouragement. I honestly don’t know if this is a man or woman (I believe I’ve heard both), but this channel will provide you with a lot of encouragement in the darkness.
Dr. Joseph Mercola Alternative health. Western medicine is pretty much centered on drugs and surgery. Some doctors look into alternatives. Mercola is one of them.
Jordan Sather Jordan used to run with people like David Wilcock and Corey Goode, with all that UFO disclosure and solar flash and secret space program stuff. While he isn’t a Christian (yet), Sather is highly concerned with the truth. He points out infiltrators into our movement, and people just passing off stories without discernment.
Mark Dice: I already covered Mark Dice, but he has a Telegram channel. He posts infrequently, once a day or less.
James O’Keefe Run out of his own Project Veritas, he started O’Keefe Media Group and continues his hidden camera work to expose the darkness and corruption in the world. Project Veritas still has a telegram channel, but I heard they collapsed.
If you think you have enough discernment and thick skin, you can attempt “the chans”. There are actually a lot of Christians on “the chans”, but there are many trolls and disrupters. I don’t recommend going to these places before you’re ready. I’ll forgive you for just avoiding them. I visit them infrequently, but if I want to know what’s happening I can go to QResearch to watch people analyzing events in real time. I’ve never actually posted. I just lurk.
A Note About Chan Culture
The culture on “the chans” will be foreign to you. Everybody is anonymous. The term “fag” gets used a lot. If you’re new, you’re a newfag. If you’ve been around a while or are middle aged, you’re an oldfag. If you like to track planes, you’re a planefag. If you’re a lawyer or paralegal, you’re a lawfag. It’s just part of the culture. Everybody is anonymous and therefore more or less equal. It’s almost impossible to build a reputation. Every post is starting from scratch. Some of the anons who have been there for a while may recognize each other by writing style.
Trolls and shills abound, trying to distract discussion. They’ll post images of gore or sometimes even pornography. Or they’ll post lengthy treatises about “the Jews”. We suspect some of them are paid agents of foreign governments, if not our CIA and FBI. The first day Israel got attacked, a lot of it dried up for a day or so, which indicates they’re involved in it. The more over the target you are, the more the trolls and shills will engage.
I describe “the chans” as a place of absolute brilliance and unmitigated depravity, often at the same time. There are some very smart people there. Because everybody is anonymous, you don’t know who you’re interacting with. There was an instance on QResearch a few years ago where an anon posted something like “I’ll be going live in 20 minutes and will be talking about this subject.” 20 minutes later, Laura Ingraham’s show started and that was the subject she began with. They were apparently interacting with a Fox News anchor or at least one of her research staff. The intelligence agencies will lurk and post there.
People address each other as “anon” because they’re all anonymous. When a supposed insider comes in, sometimes that inside status will get attached to them. There has been a Hollywood Anon, FBI Anon, and this is where the “Q Anon” thing comes from. Somebody was posting as “Q” and the anon got stuck on.
Every now and again, an apparent insider will post. Don’t take anything at face value. Many alleged insiders have posted and nothing ever came of it. For others, real world events reflected the insider posts. I have quite a collection of “insider” posts that turned out to be fraudulent.
A word you will frequently see on the chans is “kek”. It may confuse you. It is simply an edgier way to say “lol” (Laugh out Loud). I tend to use kek and it kills me that I can’t use it with “normies” because they don’t understand it. A lot of users post images of Pepe the Frog as kind of a mascot. Then they discovered an ancient Egyptian god named Kek, and Kek’s symbol was a frog. The script looks like a human sitting at a computer. It became part of the culture.

An interesting coincidence: anon is the Hebrew word for cloud.

4 Chan 4chan is a collection of boards. When I visit, I normally go to the Politically Incorrect board or /pol. If you scroll to the bottom you can select the catalog view which I find easier to work with than the default view. I once spent half a Saturday figuring out how to navigate and read 4chan. You can probably find a blog post or YouTube video telling you how to.
QResearch 8Kun is another collection of boards. I’ve only been to the QResearch board. You could spend all day there and not scratch the surface of content. I also go there infrequently, but there’s value when I do. Again, you can watch anons analyze events in real time. But don’t let yourself get obsessed with it like you did Fox News.
On the chans, each thread is called a “bread”, and a user known as a “baker” maintains them. The bakers collect “notables”, or links to stories that might prove to be significant. Each bread maxes out at 751 posts so the baker will begin preparing the next bread.
That’s it. That’s how I keep up with what’s going on in the world while ignoring the mainstream Fake News. It doesn’t even take me very long. I use an app called TickTick (stupid name, but great app) which allows me to track how much time I spend on a task. On an average day, I’ll spend a little more than an hour total on email and about another hour on RSS. This is over the course of the day. Telegram is significantly less. Some days there is more long form content and it takes longer. For the YouTube channels I follow, I normally play them in the background while I’m reading my other sources. I do the same for podcasts.
I call this collection of sources my information feeds. I will do sweeps of them throughout the day. I normally start with email, then RSS, Anonymous Conservative’s brief, then Telegram. Then I do my daily Bible reading. I might go back to email around 10 or 11 in the morning. RSS and Telegram normally haven’t built up enough to be worth going through by then, so I check them around lunch. I’ll do another sweep in the afternoon, then around 6 PM, and finally at 9 PM. It doesn’t take a lot of time and I normally get different perspectives on the same issue so I can see them through different angles.
For my Bible reading, I’ve broken the Bible up into six sections. I know, there are many reading plans available but I like to do my own thing. I took something Dr. Chuck Missler said and made it my own.
Proverbs has 31 chapters and some months have 31 days. Each day, I read the chapter corresponding to the calendar date. Then I’ve broken the Bible up into 6 sections:
Wisdom literature: Job-Song
Prophets: Isa-Mal
Gospels + Acts :Matt-Acts
Epstiles + Rev: Rom-Rev
I read a chapter of Proverbs and a chapter from each of those sections each day. Depending on how many long chapters I have, it takes me between 15 and 30 minutes a day. I can read through the entire Bible in about 200 days. When I finish a section, I start at the beginning of that section again the next day. I prefer to use Logos on my desktop. When they updated to Logos 10, they broke bookmark functionality in the mobile apps and haven’t fixed it yet. The web app is really bad so when I have to work onsite I’ll email a screenshot of my bookmarks to my work address and use Blue Letter Bible in the browser. Then I make a note to advance my Bible bookmarks when I get home.