How To Evaluate An Alex Jones Claim

I’ve followed Alex Jones for a looooong time. I first heard of him around 2002, and have followed him off and on since then. I listened to his podcast daily from about 2008-2012. I only quit because his radio show is a poor format for a podcast. He spends too damned much time going to break and coming back, then repeating information. Plus, on the podcast, when he goes to a commercial break every 20 seconds, I had to keep fast forwarding. I got sick of this after 4 years and unsubscribed. I still subscribe to his YouTube channel, where I can watch his videos and adjust the speed to 2x. I’ve listened to Alex Jones at 2x for so long, he doesn’t sound right at normal speed.

The way to judge whether Alex Jones is speaking from evidence or out of his ass is whether he can support it or not.

Alex Jones has some subjects where he had a stack of documents. Usually, these are from “mainstream news”. He has a document camera and can speak to his subject and support it from “mainstream” news articles. Normally, when he does this, you can trust him and take him seriously.

But there are some topics in which Alex yells and freaks out and screams “We have the government documents!”, but never puts one of those government documents under the document camera, nor does he give you a reference for which government document he is referring to so you can look it up for yourself. When he does this, you can safely assume he’s talking out of his ass and ignore him.

There is a certain theological issue in which I disagree with Alex Jones. I won’t go into it here because I consider it minor, but there is some disagreement among Christians about it. He claims it’s a conspiracy, and that he has shitloads of “government documents” to support his claim. But in the last 16 years I’ve followed him off and on, he has yet to give me a name of a single “government document” that I can look up for myself to verify his claim. In that case, I assume he’s talking out of his ass and ignore him.

Like him or not, Alex Jones is here to stay. He’s a man, and just as fallible as any other man.

Book Review: God Hates Me by Richard Cain

You can buy God Hates Me here.

This is a very unique and interesting book. The basis of the story is this: a demon has a story he wants to tell. He begins by possessing a teenager and speaking to the youth pastor. 4 chapters later, he is cast out by the pastor and goes off in search of others to tell his story to until he finishes. Most chapters are with one person, although I think he gets another two chapters out of one more person. Some of these are hilarious in their own right. In one case, he crashes a sleepover of girls playing with an Ouija board.

The demon’s name is Malach. He doesn’t consider himself evil. Sure, he was part of the rebellion, but he was there because of some really cool music the “Choir Director” was playing. He tries not to be too evil, although he keeps getting roped in. But he wants to get back into Heaven, so he keeps looking for ways to get their attention by doing good. But, he keeps messing things up.

The author limits Malach’s attendance at Biblical events. I figure it would have been too self-serving to have him there at the crucifixion. Malach keeps himself busy with plant taxonomy and loves Florida for some reason. When he’s not cataloging plants, he gets involved with pixies (it ends badly), and tries to raise a little boy as his “guardian angel”. That ends badly too.

The author’s imagination is good. The demon explains what the world was like pre-fall (Noah laser-leveled the deck of the ark), the Nephilim, and the change in strategy after the flood. While I would never base theology on this book, it is a work of fiction and should be enjoyed as such.

I’m not sure what the deal with the cover is. The first time I saw it, I thought it was the story of a boxer or MMA fighter or something.

OK, I won’t give spoilers. I don’t know if this is the author’s intent or just my own mind. While Malach’s story appears to have a happy ending, demons lie. It’s a great and entertaining read.

ROK on Government Plot to Fake An Alien Invasion

Return of Kings posted an article about the government and aliens.

Most people will dismiss it as BS. But it’s nothing new. Both Ronald Reagan and Paul Krugman have been on record saying an alien invasion (real or faked) would be a great way to “unite the planet.” I’m sure others have too.

I’m pretty sure, if such a thing ever happened, it would be a fake. Though I grew up on science fiction, my own position on extraterrestrial life is “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Or at least, some plausible evidence of it.

But this is nothing new. I remember a conversation with my dad around 1996 when “Independence Day” came out. He seemed to think the reason why there were so many movies and TV shows about aliens was that the government is softening us up for the possibility. And I’ve gone MUCH deeper down the “conspiracy” rabbit hole than my dad ever would.

I Have Found No Use For Home AIs

I ran out to Best Buy yesterday to buy a TV for my office (I’m not a knuckle-dragging primate and therefore do not have a “man cave”.) While I was there, I looked around. I wandered by the AI section and played around with them. I even tried to rationalize buying one. I gave myself permission to do it. And I couldn’t. I walked away, grabbed the 32″ Roku TV I came for, paid, and left.

There are numerous problems with these AIs. For one, the “wiretap” implication:

That isn’t too big a problem. All of our devices are wiretaps, so that isn’t my objection. None of the use cases appeal to me. I watched the Alexa video at the display, and almost dislocated my shoulder from the jerking off motion I wanted to make. There’s some idiot at the top of the stairs about to slide down the stairs onto some pillows and the child actors playing his children. He says “Alexa, play punk music!”

I don’t listen to punk. I can’t stand it. Never could. I also don’t trust Alexa to find songs for my musical tastes, and I use Amazon Music Unlimited.

Then some woman asks it to change the temperature. OK, somewhat useful.

Google Home won’t work with my smart thermostat. Alexa has a skill for it, but I can change it from my phone anyway.

Of course, Alexa is programmed to repeat SJW talking points. I have no use for SJW talking points. And of course, your flash news briefing only comes from left-wing “fake news”. You can’t program it for custom sources, like InfoWars.

Then of course, as a tech enthusiast, I don’t see the point to a fixed location. I carry a phone with me all the time. What if I’m driving home, and want to have Alexa add something to my shopping list? I have to wait until I get home. (I don’t think there’s an Alexa app for Android, and I don’t care enough to look it up.) I have Alexa on my Kindle Fire, and I never use it (Alexa, not the Fire.)

So, even though I gave myself all the leeway possible, I don’t see myself owning one of these wiretaps anytime soon.

I would totally buy this thing if it existed:

Book Review: The Heretics of St. Possenti by Rolf Nelson

About 3 or 4 years ago, Rolf Nelson published “The Stars Came Back.” It was originally written like a screenplay. He has since published half of it as a novel. I believe it’s called “Back From The Dead.” In TCSB, Rolf included as part of the background of the smartship AI a group of warrior monks.

The Heretics of St. Possenti is about how the order got started.

The book starts with a Catholic bishop being robbed. He goes to jail, where he is subjected to mocking for how useless the church is in the lives of the imprisoned men. This sends him on an exploration to find answers for how the church can attract younger men and meet their needs. This lays the groundwork for starting a new kind of monastic order, beginning with troubled and forgotten veterans.

All in all, it’s a really good story. And I want to state right up front, this is a positive review from one of Nelson’s fans. I highly recommend the book.

Thinking over this book, one thought I had was “Atlas Shrugged for the alt-right.” By that, I mean similar to Ayn Rand, Nelson writes his characters with pretty much the same voice and uses dialog to lay out his philosophy. I also agree pretty much entirely with his philosophy. As a Castalia House author, I’m sure Nelson reads books by other Castalia House authors, and I saw quite a few of them in Heretics. He touches on “Cuckservative” by Vox Day and John Red Eagle, 4th Generation Warfare Handbook by William S. Lind, and of course, Vox Day’s 2 SJWs Always… books.

In fact, if you’re not a big reader, but you want to get a good overview of CH, reading Heretics is an efficient way to do it. It touches on enough to help you follow along with the discussion.

I don’t think Nelson is Catholic, but where else would a monastic order come from? Nelson apparently spent a lot of time researching Catholicism and monastic orders, and I believe did a great job of putting together a story based around the necessary technical, logistical, and doctrinal details that would be necessary for a new order to come into existence and thrive. He did such a great job, I’d convert to Catholicism if this order existed to join it. And I don’t state this lightly. And Nelson rendered the story in a way that is palatable to evangelical Christians, and possibly even non-believers who are friendly to Christianity but not considering participating.

Nelson addresses many issues in the church (which includes all denominations.) Churches are generally not friendly to men. I’ve commented several times on the contrast between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. On Mother’s Day, the sermon is invariably about Mary or Hannah, and full of praise for the heroic, hard-working moms. On Father’s Day, the best you can hope for in the average church is the pastor will forget it. Otherwise, you’ll have a sermon about how you’re not doing enough, and screwing up. The pastor never stops to think that it’s the men who work hard to provide for their families and attend church who are sitting in the pews, getting bitched out in front of their wives and children. I started skipping church on Father’s Day because of this.

Many churches have bought into the secular world. Rather than preaching Christian virtue, they preach virtue signaling. Many families now forgo protecting their children and invite strangers into their homes, putting their own children at risk of rape and attack. How is this sane? There are also classic mistranslations of the Bible that have become mainstream doctrine, such as “turn the other cheek” is taken to mean “roll over and play dead for those who seek to victimize you and your family.” And don’t even get me started on how forgiveness is abused in Christian doctrine…

This was a good book. Someday, Nelson will grow into a great writer, able to create different characters who face difficult challenges. I look forward to more from him. Like, how did the St. Possenti order grow through hundreds of years to become involved with a smartship AI?

Supersize Me Was Vegan Propaganda

Remember Morgan Spurlock’s “Supersize Me”? Turns out it was crap. His technical advisor was a lawyer suing McDonald’s.

Tom Naughton produced a rebuttal to Supersize Me called Fat Head. He analyzes Spurlock’s math, which doesn’t add up. He does his own month-long fast food diet, although using his own rules; not Spurlock’s.

He also looks at some of the “science” involved and comes to the same conclusion I did: “fat makes you fat” is the greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated upon mankind.

Jay Dyer on The Shining

People have written and recorded a lot of information about Stephen King’s book “The Shining”, and Stanley Kubrick’s movie of the same title.

The first time I saw the movie “The Shining” was around 1992 or 1993. I was in my “A” school, or my first Navy technical school as a Fire Controlman at Great Lakes Naval Training Center north of Chicago. I visited a friend’s barracks room and he was watching the movie. I stayed for it. Talk about a mind fuck. I thanked him for wrecking my sleep for the next few weeks, but I watched the entire thing.

On my first ship, the U.S.S. White Plains (AFS-4) in Guam, I bought the book and read it. I can remember walking around the ship at night, especially outside in the dark. I’d turn a corner and my mind would tell me, “What if there is something there?” I credit that to the book.

While I was on that ship, I learned it had some ghost stories associated with it. The ship was commissioned in the 1960’s, and since it had a refrigerator hold, often functioned to carry bodies from Vietnam to the Philippines, where the bodies were flown out of Clark AFB back to the states. Apparently, people saw ghosts of those soldiers. I never saw one but heard enough stories from people who claimed to have seen them for me to believe somebody had. There was apparently a ghost of a little Vietnamese girl carrying a doll who liked to hang out with the aft lookout at night.

The ship also had a mainspace fire in 1989 that is well known, and ghosts of the 6 who died in that fire would show up.

In any case, Stanley Kubrick got ahold of “The Shining” and made the movie in his own image. I saw a documentary several years ago. I think it was called “Room 237”. Some people claim “The Shining” was Kubrick’s testimony of “faking the moon landings”.  The documentary included several “conspiracy theories”, including Indian burial grounds and the moon landing thing.

My position on the moon landing follows: I believe Stanley Kubrick was hired to fake the moon landing, but he was a control freak perfectionist and made them film it on location.

Jay Dyer has a short, free video about “The Shining”. I haven’t bought his book yet, but it’s in my plan. Very interesting stuff.

The Qualifications For Selling Insurance Must Be The Same As MLM

Last month, I got an email from Monster that my resume was going to expire. Looking back, I should have just let it expire. I don’t get the point to anymore. I still have some resumes out there, just in case a good opportunity comes along. That has never happened.

Monster is still living in the 90’s. Unlike some other sites, you can’t edit your resume online. I had to pull together my updated resume in Microsoft Word and upload the document.

Then I sat back. And sure enough, I start getting calls and emails about selling insurance.

I was a Realtor for about 6 months, but everything else in my resume, going back to 1992, is for technical work. Nothing about sales, nothing in the insurance industry.

And yet, a whole bunch of insurance companies start calling and emailing me.

Now, back in 2014, I went to a meeting at one of these insurance companies just to see what it was about. It wasn’t one-on-one. There were a bunch of us in the room. Then a guy in a suit came in, told us about the company, and how much money you can make in it. They had us introduce ourselves and talk about where were work now. I don’t mention the name of the company, but their mascot rhymes with the F-word.

Somebody from that same company sent me an email a couple weeks ago. I deleted it. Yesterday, I got a “follow-up”. In my response, I told the guy I have no interest in sales or insurance. I might be interested in selling technical products and services. Strangely, none of those recruiters ever contact me.

I once did look up technical sales, and you can’t get those jobs with technical experience. A tech sales job with a salary comparable to what I now make requires more years of sales experience than I could probably get in the next 15 years. I’m not going back to “entry-level” just to do it.

As the closing to my two paragraph response to “mascot rhymes with F-word” recruiter, I asked what part of my resume indicates I have ANY interest in sales or insurance or selling insurance. How can any honest recruiter look at a resume with 25 years of experience that goes like this: “Navy technician, technician, engineer, IT Project Manager, IT Policy”, and think “This guy would be a perfect match for selling insurance!”

Selling this type of insurance must require the exact same qualification as selling multi-level marketing: you have to fog a mirror. It’s the same thing if you find yourself in the target of an Amway representative: “You’re such a go-getter! I’m with an international business that’s looking for people like you! We’re meeting at a hotel tonight. You should come! Here’s a motivational tape that tells you how much money you can make in this business. But it tells you absolutely NOTHING about the business!” (Hopefully, they’ve progressed beyond tapes by now. Even CDs are getting archaic.)

Unholywood May Be Burning Down. Will Anybody Miss It?

I’m sure some normies may miss it. Others know it is a den of pedophilia and corruption.

The Harvey Weinstein thing that came out over the last week is probably a non-starter. I figure it’s more of a smokescreen to cover up something far worse. When somebody that powerful is taken down, I usually wonder who he pissed off. He’s been doing this for decades; why did he get taken down just this past week?

Everybody knows about the “casting couch”. It pretty much goes back to the founding of Unholywood. As for women who “sleep” with these powerful (and ugly mother fuckers like Weinstein), I don’t feel a lot of pity. How did you not know what you were getting into? And why stay silent this long?

What REALLY pisses me off is how we’ve all known about how powerful forces in Unholywood prey on children. This has been known for a LONG time, and little has been done. It’s well known, well documented, and well ignored. And fuck all of you for allowing it to continue. I hope you go down with it.

Wearable Tech, AI, and the Dark Triad

I’ve been reading about the “Dark Triad”. This consists of Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavelianism. Ivan Throne’s book, The Nine Laws, talks about how to incorporate positive aspects of these into your life and response to the world.

There are also AIs that can look at a picture and tell, with a high rate of accuracy, whether the person is gay or not.

Anonymous Conservative put up a blog post today about how a similar AI could be used to detect real Dark Triad traits in people.

Imagine when we are all wearing the future equivalent of Google Glass glasses, it is filming everyone we meet, and you can upload an app to it which can detect Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism on the faces of people we meet in real time. Like a Terminator robot, you meet someone, shake their hand, and down the side of your view of them scrolls their psychological scores for all of those traits, as below them flashes in big red letters, “Alert! Alert! Major League Asshole!” (I assume the programmer will have a sense of humor – and experience with those personalities.)

I’ve read quite a bit about physiognomy, and facial bifurcation. People like Anonymous Conservative and Heartiste often perform this kind of analysis after a shooting. They sometimes perform them on politicians. There is a difference to the faces of psychopaths and narcissists that the rest of us don’t reflect. I’m not an expert on this by any means, but I’m getting a little better.

The trick is to look at a face for symmetry. Is the face symmetrical, or does one side look out of place?

A/C uses the following image in his blog post:

This kind of technology could be very useful. I have experienced a few people that, looking back, probably were narcissists and psychopaths.

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