MSLGBPTV Report on “Kekistan”

MSLBTP apparently did the following poorly researched report on Kekistan:

I don’t consider myself part of the Kekistan movement, but I am sympathetic to the plight of the Kekistani people. It’s a virtual nation which has a main export of dank memes. And I like those memes.

This report is so full of crap, and the narrator is boring as hell. For one thing, they show a YouTube clip of a black man with a French Africa accent and say he’s Sargon of Arkad. No, he’s Big Man Tyrone, a YouTuber who will say what you want him to if you pay him. Sargon is a fat British liberal with enough sense to actually come down on the right side of some issues. This is the Tyrone clip:

They also show a clip of a guy dressed up like a 21st century American Jesus, saying “Hitler did nothing wrong”. That guy is on Fiverr, and will dress up like that and say anything you pay him to. I believe PewDiePie paid him to say that for one of his videos. He was kicked off of Fiverr for a while for it, just like the two poor Indian guys he paid to hold up a sign saying “Death to all (you fill in the blank)”.

Next are the code words. Where do they get this crap:

Total crap. A snowflake means what it means: some idiot liberal who somehow things he, she, it, xir, or whatever it identifies as thinks is special for whatever reason.

The alt-right/Kekistani code word for “Stingy Jew” is, well, Stingy Jew. SJW means Social Justice Warrior, a term THEY devised for themselves. A cuck is somebody who cuckholds themselves, realistically or metaphorically. That’s why we call typical Republicans “Republicucks”, and conservatives “Cuckservatives”, because they don’t fight for anything; rather, they cuckhold themselves.

A lover of fat women is just that, or a chubby chaser. No code word needed.

Trap I’m not entirely sure about, although there they go again with their “all white men are rapists meme”, while European women are being raped left and right by the immigrants they demand more of.

They totally forgot about THOT, which stands for “That Hoe Over There”. In alt-right/Kekistani “culture”, a THOT is somebody like, say, Lauren Southern. I’ve watched a few of her clips, and she seems OK, but people wonder if she believes what she says she does, or if she realizes she’s hot and can make a lot of money from thirsty men who will never dare criticize her and she can do no wrong. Time will tell. I’ll probably pay more attention to her when time does tell, maybe in a few decades.

Tomi what’s her name lost a lot of credibility when she went on The View and supported abortion. That’s kind of the definition of cucking; going into the enemy’s house and trying to gain cred with them. Tomi is a THOT.

Anyway, if you need any actual evidence that the “Mainstream Media” is truly fake news, this is it. They’re useless, and don’t do the slightest bit of research. I’m a total amateur and don’t get paid for this, but if I’m going to write about a leftist, I’ll at least make an attempt to understand their argument.

One thing this report did get right is the similarities between the Kekistani flag and the flag of the 3rd Reich. They did this on purpose; mostly for trolling. They’re going to call anybody to the right of Karl Marx a Nazi anyway. Might as well run with it.

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