Mark Dice reports on 3 instances where the “MainStream Media” totally fakes it. That is the very definition of #fakenews.
In the first, CNN and MSNBC are somehow interviewing the same woman, LIVE!, at the same time.
In the second, two reporters are supposedly talking to each other live via satellite, but you can see the exact same cars and busses passing behind both of them. They weren’t across the country; they were standing next to each other in the same parking lot.
The third, a news crew sets up their own crime scene so they can claim they’re reporting from an actual crime scene.
BONUS: If you didn’t already know this, late shows like “Jimmy Kimmel Live” are pre-recorded. I guess they were live while the cameras are rolling. (I’ve known this for decades, but some might not).
Don’t believe the #fakenews. They might as well be recording “live” from a sound stage last week.