Over the years, I’ve acquired several magazine subscriptions. Some are from organizations I’m a member of (NRA, VFW, etc.), some are because my wife signs me up for free subscriptions (Men’s Journal, Outdoor something or other), and some I have deliberately subscribed to (Forbes, Wired, and I just added HBR.) My wife signed me up for Rolling Stone, but I got halfway through one and wrote it off as “aging leftist boomer druggie rock memorabilia” and quit reading. When Sports Illustrated showed up, I checked to see if it had her name, which it did. I would have drawn the line there.
Since the routine I’ve maintained for many years has me only reading my magazines during an activity I do in the morning (less than 15 minutes), I don’t get through them very quickly. I realized I have two big stacks of magazines, and I need to get more proactive in reading them to catch up.
I’m just barely caught up to August of 2016, and had a thought. I just finished the Aug 2016 issue of the NRA’s “America’s First Freedom”, which was entirely about how terrible a Hillary Clinton Presidency is going to be for gun rights. Then I opened the Aug 2016 of VFW magazine, and the opening commentary by the VFW Commander In Chief is about how critical the 2016 election will be for reforming the VA, which is a nightmare to many veterans.
So I started wondering since I honestly don’t know how it came out in the end: will either magazine go all in on supporting the God Emperor? Or will they cuck out? I know the NRA is full of Neocucks, so I’m kind of expecting them to. I can’t wait to read their November and December issues. I don’t know if the VFW has a political stance other than protecting veterans’ issues. I’m sure they HAD to know which of the two was best for protecting those interests…
I guess we’ll see.
I already know where Wired was. I made the mistake of subscribing to them right before they went all-in on the leftist political position. I tried to unsubscribe from their email newsletters and finally had to mark them as spam. I subscribed to Wired because it’s supposed to be a great magazine about technology, right before they came all out as fully SJW converged.
Forbes has a nominally conservative stance. Many of their writers are liberals, but their editorial process tempers that to a tolerable level.