Free Speech and Boobs

I saw this video a couple weeks back and laughed at it. Heartiste posted about it and brought it back to my attention:

I don’t watch CNN, except for funny clips like this other people share. I also pay no attention to sportsball, so I have no idea who these people are. The guy on the right comes off as a ZFG shitlord. He clearly and flippantly states that the First Amendment and boobs are two things that have never let him down. The anchor (I guess it’s “sexist” to say anchorwoman) immediately loses her shit and ability to focus. The guy on the left comes in as a white knight, attempting to protect the “honor” of the anchor, whom Heartiste says is 38 and never married and obviously childless.

When I first saw the video, I shared it on Minds. Others commented that the anchor obviously began wanting the guy who gives zero fucks, and says “boobs” on air. If you watch her, she cannot focus at all. She goes speechless for a while and then babbles indignation. She can’t form a coherent thought or get back to the point, which is what an anchor should be able to do. Roll with it, if you like.

This whole “sexism” thing comes off as childish. She acts indignant that he said such a thing. She’s supposedly an adult. I’m going to let you all in on a little secret: women have boobs. BFD.

This whole thing reminds me of an old joke: How is sex like air? Because it’s just not that big a deal…unless you aren’t getting any.

(I’m pretty sure I got this picture from another Heartiste post; maybe on Gab.)

A Magazine Trip Through The Past

Over the years, I’ve acquired several magazine subscriptions. Some are from organizations I’m a member of (NRA, VFW, etc.), some are because my wife signs me up for free subscriptions (Men’s Journal, Outdoor something or other), and some I have deliberately subscribed to (Forbes, Wired, and I just added HBR.) My wife signed me up for Rolling Stone, but I got halfway through one and wrote it off as “aging leftist boomer druggie rock memorabilia” and quit reading. When Sports Illustrated showed up, I checked to see if it had her name, which it did. I would have drawn the line there.

Since the routine I’ve maintained for many years has me only reading my magazines during an activity I do in the morning (less than 15 minutes), I don’t get through them very quickly. I realized I have two big stacks of magazines, and I need to get more proactive in reading them to catch up.

I’m just barely caught up to August of 2016, and had a thought. I just finished the Aug 2016 issue of the NRA’s “America’s First Freedom”, which was entirely about how terrible a Hillary Clinton Presidency is going to be for gun rights. Then I opened the Aug 2016 of VFW magazine, and the opening commentary by the VFW Commander In Chief is about how critical the 2016 election will be for reforming the VA, which is a nightmare to many veterans.

So I started wondering since I honestly don’t know how it came out in the end: will either magazine go all in on supporting the God Emperor? Or will they cuck out? I know the NRA is full of Neocucks, so I’m kind of expecting them to. I can’t wait to read their November and December issues. I don’t know if the VFW has a political stance other than protecting veterans’ issues. I’m sure they HAD to know which of the two was best for protecting those interests…

I guess we’ll see.

I already know where Wired was. I made the mistake of subscribing to them right before they went all-in on the leftist political position. I tried to unsubscribe from their email newsletters and finally had to mark them as spam. I subscribed to Wired because it’s supposed to be a great magazine about technology, right before they came all out as fully SJW converged.

Forbes has a nominally conservative stance. Many of their writers are liberals, but their editorial process tempers that to a tolerable level.

President Trump To Raise Earth Temperature by 250 Degrees?

Apparently, Stephen Hawking (kookspiracy theorist) thinks Donald Trump’s Presidency will raise the Earth’s temperature by 250 degrees and cause acid rain.

When I first saw that, I thought “Trump isn’t just a God Emperor! He’s a FIRE GOD!”

Seriously, Hawking is a “Theoretical Physicist”. He deals in math, but his assumptions CANNOT be proven under the Scientific Method we learned in about the 4th grade.

Remember what the Scientific Method was?

  1. Ask a question.
  2. Form a hypothesis.
  3. Design a test.
  4. Analysis
  5. The answer, or repeat?

Maddox has a decent video about the Scientific Method. I don’t agree with all of his conclusions, but it’s a good start:

But seriously, let’s say you do not “like” Donald Trump. OK, I’ll give you that. How do you get from not liking an individual to believing he’ll somehow raise the Earth’s temperature by 250 degrees?

I’m still waiting…

Oh, wait, he’s a FIRE GOD!

You still can’t test it.

Global Cooling/Warming/Climate Change/Climate Terror is still bullshit until somebody conducts an actual Scientific experiment with falsifiable results.

In 6th grade (1985-1986), my “science” textbook said we should be all out of coal, oil, and everything else by now. Nope. It’s the middle of summer, and gas is still about $2.06 a gallon here in Virginia (compared to over $4.00 a gallon when The Obammesiah was President). And they’ve found fuckloads of reserves since the 1980’s.

Where are all these islands and atolls that were supposed to be submerged by now, thanks to “Global Cooling/Warming/Climate Change/Climate Terror?”

Wasn’t the Statue of Liberty supposed to be underwater by now?

Global Cooling/Warming/Climate Change/Climate Terror is the WORST predictive system known to man. It is NOT science; it is religion. And Stephen Hawking is a kookspiracy theorist.

MSLGBPTV Report on “Kekistan”

MSLBTP apparently did the following poorly researched report on Kekistan:

I don’t consider myself part of the Kekistan movement, but I am sympathetic to the plight of the Kekistani people. It’s a virtual nation which has a main export of dank memes. And I like those memes.

This report is so full of crap, and the narrator is boring as hell. For one thing, they show a YouTube clip of a black man with a French Africa accent and say he’s Sargon of Arkad. No, he’s Big Man Tyrone, a YouTuber who will say what you want him to if you pay him. Sargon is a fat British liberal with enough sense to actually come down on the right side of some issues. This is the Tyrone clip:

They also show a clip of a guy dressed up like a 21st century American Jesus, saying “Hitler did nothing wrong”. That guy is on Fiverr, and will dress up like that and say anything you pay him to. I believe PewDiePie paid him to say that for one of his videos. He was kicked off of Fiverr for a while for it, just like the two poor Indian guys he paid to hold up a sign saying “Death to all (you fill in the blank)”.

Next are the code words. Where do they get this crap:

Total crap. A snowflake means what it means: some idiot liberal who somehow things he, she, it, xir, or whatever it identifies as thinks is special for whatever reason.

The alt-right/Kekistani code word for “Stingy Jew” is, well, Stingy Jew. SJW means Social Justice Warrior, a term THEY devised for themselves. A cuck is somebody who cuckholds themselves, realistically or metaphorically. That’s why we call typical Republicans “Republicucks”, and conservatives “Cuckservatives”, because they don’t fight for anything; rather, they cuckhold themselves.

A lover of fat women is just that, or a chubby chaser. No code word needed.

Trap I’m not entirely sure about, although there they go again with their “all white men are rapists meme”, while European women are being raped left and right by the immigrants they demand more of.

They totally forgot about THOT, which stands for “That Hoe Over There”. In alt-right/Kekistani “culture”, a THOT is somebody like, say, Lauren Southern. I’ve watched a few of her clips, and she seems OK, but people wonder if she believes what she says she does, or if she realizes she’s hot and can make a lot of money from thirsty men who will never dare criticize her and she can do no wrong. Time will tell. I’ll probably pay more attention to her when time does tell, maybe in a few decades.

Tomi what’s her name lost a lot of credibility when she went on The View and supported abortion. That’s kind of the definition of cucking; going into the enemy’s house and trying to gain cred with them. Tomi is a THOT.

Anyway, if you need any actual evidence that the “Mainstream Media” is truly fake news, this is it. They’re useless, and don’t do the slightest bit of research. I’m a total amateur and don’t get paid for this, but if I’m going to write about a leftist, I’ll at least make an attempt to understand their argument.

One thing this report did get right is the similarities between the Kekistani flag and the flag of the 3rd Reich. They did this on purpose; mostly for trolling. They’re going to call anybody to the right of Karl Marx a Nazi anyway. Might as well run with it.

YATA (Yet Another Terrorist Attack)

Bombing at an Ariana Grande concert yesterday. I think it was the new French President who said something like “We have to get used to daily terrorist attacks because we want to live in a diverse, multicultural society.” And they voted for him because they want to get used to daily terror attacks so they can live in such a utopia.

I’d rather live under a Trump administration period of martial law than a “diverse, multi-cultural society with daily terror attacks”.

In our great multicultural age, if you want to stay safe, stay the hell away from large gatherings of people. I am very glad I don’t feel compelled to go to concerts and other pop culture activities because they are a security risk. If you have children, especially teenage girls, keep them away too. Stay out of the cities, and stay away from popular culture events.

I assume gun shows are safe.

Anyway, make sure you change your social media avatars to the Union Jack, post to every single social network you’re on (and join the rest, damn it, we have victims to help!) that your “thoughts and prayers” go out, and by all means: DO NOT HURT ANY TERRORIST FEELINGS! because that would be racist or something. We need to find every terrorist we can, hug them, and tell them we love them and they should bring all their friends.


Special Prosecutor

By now, you’ve probably heard that the Deputy AG (((Rosenstein))) has assigned the former FBI director, Robert Mueller (I have no idea if I’m related to him), as a special prosecutor to look into ongoing allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

I’ve been thinking about this. They’ve been “investigating” for months, and haven’t produced a single shred of evidence. Part of me wants to believe if there actually WAS evidence, they would have found it.

When Trump first announced his candidacy, I figured he was just another globalist elite. But as his campaign went on, I started to think he was actually different than the others. I can’t speak for the rest of you, but enough American voters are f’ing sick and tired of being told that we have to subordinate our own interests to the “global community”. We have to import millions of rapists, welfare queens, and terrorists because somehow that shit is “good for our economy”. And we have to send our jobs overseas and be unemployed because that too, is “good for our economy”.

To hell with that.

When I realized that all the “right” people seemed to hate Donald Trump, I started to get on board more. They attacked him incessantly. I figured, like any other politician, his life must be full of scandal. But all they found was the “they let you grab them by the pussy” recording, which I don’t have a problem with. Everything else, like “pissgate”, was made up, and they didn’t do a good job of making it up.

So when, as hard as they attacked him, they couldn’t find a single actual scandal or element of corruption in his past, it blew my mind. Maybe he is the real deal.

Or, and there is plenty of evidence to this, the left is totally incompetent. They have their own scandals. Apparently, the DNC is in a full-on panic mode about their own scandals. /pol/ seems to be a far better intelligence service than our own intelligence organs. They found Shia LaPoof’s silly “He Will Not Divide Us” flag at least 3 times in isolated parts of the globe. The FBI has taken on a reputation lately as the “F’ing Bunch of Idiots”.

So maybe there is actual evidence somewhere for Trump/Russia collusion, but Congress and the media are too incompetent to find it. But I doubt it.

Mark Dice thinks this will be a good thing. The left is absolutely giddy about the special prosecutor, and when he finds NOTHING, they’ll be crushed worse than they were on election night, and will probably start accusing former FBI director Robert Mueller of being a Russian agent himself. So grab some beer and some popcorn and watch the show:

As for President Trump, a lot of people jumped off the “Trump Train” after April 6 when he ordered a bombing in Syria. I figure we still have several more years to get through, so I’ll hold my own decision for a while, although I am disappointed that he hasn’t cleaned out his house. He has too many people he can’t trust in his administration.


This is a technical term I didn’t know before today, although I’m familiar with the concept. An arcology refers to a self-contained building. Basically, in dystopian science fiction, it’s where the entire population is crammed into skyscrapers where they also grow their own food.

This guy takes an engineering and mathematical look at it. Very interesting. I’ll be watching more from his channel.

Symbol Appropriation

This is something interesting I’m seeing lately. It started with this meme:

My first reaction was: WTF? I see a mixture of the rainbow, which is associated with gayness. But also the separation of colors, which is associated with nationalism (specifically, white nationalism ((mislabeled as white supremacy)) ). And of course, the swastika, which we all know what to associate that with (although it is an ancient symbol associated with peace and good luck and yes, Hitler knew that).

Then, this showed up:

And finally, this:

Thanks to “meme magic”, this appears to be an attempt by some in the “alt-right” to appropriate the left’s cherished symbols. Since the left is driven almost totally by the amygdala, they are likely to get triggered and abandon those symbols, which should be interesting.

In North Carolina, Protestors Blocking Traffic Now Have The Same Legal Status As Deer

From Anonymous Conservative.

This is a shift in the zeitgeist I couldn’t have predicted just a few years ago. There’s been a definite “us vs. them” shift in our collective consciousness. I don’t think either side views the other as fully human.

When I watch videos of protestors being hit by cars they were blocking, I don’t feel a sense of horror or anything. I don’t know if I should. I imagine events of late have desensitized me to it.

But I also want to ask them “Didn’t your mothers teach you not to play in traffic?” Then I realize, one of the hallmarks of rabbits is low investment parenting. So, obviously not.

Leftists also can’t seem to connect concepts properly in their minds. None of their protests seem to have anything to do with what they’re protesting about. “I’m pissed off! Let’s burn down our neighborhood!” It makes no sense to me, except through the r/K theory Anonymous Conservative has so brilliantly applied to politics. (r/K has been around for a long time, but AC is the one who took it and ran with it.)

What the hell does stopping traffic have to do with not approving of Donald Trump? I can’t connect it in my mind, but it makes sense to them somehow I guess. And it’s not that I go looking for those videos, but they show up everywhere. I don’t look at pictures of abortions at all. I don’t believe I need to; my mind is already made up that this is a horrific event.

I suppose it makes sense to desensitize yourself to horrific things. If we have an economic collapse or civil war or some other kind of meltdown, we’ll all be surrounded by horrific scenes every day, and we may have to make some very hard choices. And it will probably pay to not become overwhelmed by it all. Think about it; you’re trying to survive, and starving people are begging you for food. If you share, you might not survive. Your family definitely won’t. You have to say no, and be prepared to defend them and your supplies. Can you make those hard choices? I don’t even know if I could.

Friendly Fire?

There appears to be a war between two factions I support.

This morning, President Trump posted a tweet critical of the House Freedom Caucus:

Breitbart posted an article about it this afternoon, quoting my Congressman, Dave Brat, a member of the caucus.

“I don’t know who has his ear,” said Brat, who is a member of the House Freedom Caucus and was part of the HFC team negotiating with the White House and the House Republican leadership to amend the Ryancare bill.

“I don’t think he is hearing that we are trying to serve him a victory–right?–Right now, this bill is at 17 percent in the polls, and that’s not a winner.”

The RyanCare bill sucked. Not as bad as the Unafforable Care Act (Obamessiah Care), but not much better. Would you rather pay $10,000 in taxes, or $9500? It still sucks.

I had Rob Andrews as a Congressman when I lived in the People’s Republic of New Jersey. Dave Brat is refreshing. This is my first real disappointment with President Trump. I don’t expect the man to be perfect, obviously. I hope he’s playing a long game, but I’m with Dave Brat and the House Freedom Caucus on this one.

One last comment: do liberals have no memory? When President Trump repealed The Obamessiah’s EPA regulations, they act like we’re all going to die. Were we all choking on our atmosphere 8 years ago? No, but it was a little easier to start a small business, cars were cheaper, and we could buy mid-sized and small trucks, and diesel Volkswagens. Most of those are gone.

Was everybody freaking stupid before the Department of Education came into being during the Carter administration? Oh, NOBODY ever had an EDUCATION before that?

Liberals have no historical memory.

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