Book Review: The Last Closet by Moira Greyland

The Last Closet was not easy to read. The author said it was hard to write, and the editor (Vox Day) said the editing was hard. Even this review was hard to write. I’ve been writing it off and on since I read the book. Castalia House published The Last Closet in 2017. This story needs to be told.

Moira Greyland is the daughter of Marion Zimmer Bradley and Walter Breen. Both were liberals and sexual deviants, including pedophiles. Both are long since deceased.

I’d never heard of Marion Zimmer Bradley until Vox Day started writing about her during his battle with the SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America). I probably never would have heard of her if I didn’t follow Vox Day. Although I’ve always loved science fiction, I wasn’t into fantasy so I wouldn’t have come across Marion Zimmer Bradley independently. Even though people knew about Bradley’s child molestation, she was a celebrated feminist author. I notice left wing circles don’t have a problem with that.

Breen’s name never stuck in my head until reading this book.

Moira tells the story of both her parents and her own upbringing by them, including the emotional and sexual abuse she suffered under them, starting at an age where she couldn’t possibly understand what was going on. Fortunately, she spared us the technical details, but it was still horrific to read.

Both of her parents came from messed up backgrounds. Bradley’s own father repeatedly raped her. Breen’s parents abandoned him. Some hard core Catholic woman raised him. Breen was molested by priests. Both were fairly intelligent and members of Mensa, but I’ve heard little from people who have been around Mensa and its members to impress me. I’ve heard Mensa members may have high IQs , but many are messed up in the head and usually have body odor. Usually, when I hear “Mensa”, I assume something is wrong already. Most people I know who qualify for membership want nothing to do with Mensa.

Having come from messed up backgrounds, it appears Bradley and Breen passed that on to their own children.  Marion wanted Moira to provide her with sexual companionship (apparently starting at age 3), and Breen wanted her to carry his “Grand Vision” forth to the world. This “Grand Vision” involved everybody being naked and having constant sex with each other, which would somehow bring about a “utopia”.  Both parents were highly disappointed in her when she failed to live up to their twisted visions. Marion practiced some made-up “New Age” religion, and Moira became a Christian as an act of rebellion.

As an adult, when Moira was raped, upon telling her mom, the only comment Marion had was “You’re getting more action than I am.”

Moira also documents the twisted nature of Breen’s molestation, and how he operated in attracting young boys to himself. Toward the end of the book, she talks about her escape from them, and the decades of her battle with PTSD from which she will never completely heal.

Since reading this book in 2017, a lot of information has come out about child molestation and child trafficking in our society. Many prominent people have been accused of it; some with extensive documentation. While we still don’t have Jeffrey Epstein’s client list (the most secure document in Washington, DC), we have his flight logs. Many politicians, celebrities, and Fake News personalities have flown on his jet to his child molester island (Little St. James). Epstein is now long since dead (allegedly), and his collaborator Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison, but this doesn’t even scratch the surface of how deep this thing goes.

In the years before he passed away in 2021, former CIA Officer Robert David Steele commissioned 5 books extensively documenting child trafficking and molestation in this west. All five can be purchased from Amazon, or read for free online at The books are extensively footnoted with hyperlinks and cover Western Europe, the UK, the US, Canada, and Australia. There is a tag cloud you can use to find which chapters certain subjects and personalities are covered in.

I don’t recommend reading The Last Closet or the five Pedophilia and Empire books unless you have a very strong constitution. Unless you’re already familiar with some of this material, you will be horrified and revolted in ways you can’t imagine. You will learn people you admired and respected are involved in this horrific world.

You can purchase The Last Closet on Amazon. My affiliate link is:

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