Is YouTube Trying To Kill Itself?

I’m hearing from several YouTube channels I follow that some strange things are going on. Consider this case that I came across:

I don’t normally watch that channel. I’d never heard of it until this video was linked. But it’s interesting.

YouTube is screwing over quite a few large channels. Many of them are forms of the alt-right, like Christopher Cantwell, Mark Dice, Paul Joseph Watson, and Bernard Chapin. They’ve demonetizing content, blocking viewers, preventing notifications, and suspending the channel entirely.

Twitter and Facebook are doing similar things.

I get it. The leftists who run (or are employed) by those sites don’t like those voices, and are happy to find any excuse to silence them. And most of them can’t do anything about it, except maybe Mark Dice, who said last year that he has a lawyer locked and loaded and is just waiting for YouTube to shut his channel down ONE MORE TIME…

The time is ripe for an alt-tech replacement for YouTube. It doesn’t deserve those voices. It doesn’t deserve the traffic those voices attract. Then the liberals can live in their happy little bubble that consists of children playing video games, MTV with their racist “White People Should…” crap, and music videos.

Unfortunately, unlike Twitter, Facebook, and Wikipedia (Replacements include,, and ), replacing YouTube will require some SERIOUS money. And most of the alt-right doesn’t have it. We have jobs, no doubt. Some have businesses. But we don’t have the serious backing of George Soros. Think about it; how many SJW voices would ever be heard? Like Eric Cartman said “They’re hippies! They don’t have any money!”

As frustration rises, I’m sure a viable alternative to YouTube will rise as well. If anything, we’re the productive class. We get things done.

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