Andrew Dice Clay Needs A Safe Space

Dice blocked Mark Dice on Twitter:

Pretty much what Mark Dice says: when I was a teenager, Andrew Dice Clay  (real name Andrew Clay Silverstein) was a hero. My friend and I used to drive around listening to one of his CDs. I think I still have a couple of his CDs. But I guess if being that profane was the norm, he wouldn’t have stood out. Where else in the late 80’s where you supposed to find a comedian who dropped F-bombs and talked about banging chicks?

The last CD of his I was aware of, he said he was going to become a feminist. “Penny wit a penis.” He disappeared from the scene after that.  I think that was around ’93. I was stationed in San Diego for a Navy tech school then.

I saw him on Celebrity Apprentice. Dude could barely string two words together in a coherent manner. And those two words were “You” and “know”.

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